Interview: Théo Curchod, hat expert

Hat is an excellent prevention against skin aging, effectively protecting us from the sun while adding a touch of elegance to our outfit.

We sought the advice of Théo Curchaud, owner of Coup de Chapeau boutique in Lausanne.

Is there a hat that suits everyone?

There is a hat for every individual. The choice of hat depends on the morphology and shape of each person’s face. And since we are all different, finding the hat that suits you requires trying them on.

It is important to avoid ordering a hat online simply because we saw someone else wearing it successfully. A magnificent hat can be perfect for one person and completely unsuitable for another. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts, you have to try them on. In short, you don’t buy a hat with your fingers, but with your head.

Some of my clients come to buy their first hat after following the recommendations of their doctor or dermatologist to protect their skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

How to feel comfortable with a hat?

The first step to feeling comfortable with a hat, even before trying one on, is to accept the idea of wearing it. Sometimes, I let people try on hats who have never worn them before. They truly enhance their appearance.

Most of my new clients who invest in their first real hat fall into two categories. First, there are the curious ones, very open-minded (and open-headed…).

Then, there are the people who have followed the recommendations of their doctor or dermatologist to protect their skin from the harmful effects of the sun. For them, adopting a hat can be a bit more challenging as they still have some prejudices about it. My role is to reassure them and guide them in this decision. It’s for their well-being, their health specifically.

Are there hats for beginners?

As a general rule, the larger the hat, the more confidence it takes to wear it. For example, men often start with caps or berets, and over time, they gain confidence and are ready to try larger styles like the trilby or the fedora. As for women, they are less hesitant and are more willing to try different styles from the very beginning. They are braver!

When the sunny days arrive, it’s preferable to opt for Panama or raffia hats that will protect you from the sun while allowing your head to breathe.

What about hats for traveling?

Once again, the material is crucial here. It is advisable to avoid Panama hats for traveling as this fiber is relatively rigid and may get damaged during the journey. I recommend opting for more flexible materials, such as raffia, for example. Of course, the most practical solution would be to carry a cotton canvas hat. A hat of this type can be folded and stored in a pocket without worrying about deformation.

How to care for straw, felt hats, etc.?

Here are some tips for properly maintaining different types of hats:

Felt hats:

  • Avoid wearing a felt hat when the temperature exceeds 20 degrees Celsius, as sweat can quickly wear out and deform the felt.
  • If your felt hat loses its shape, you can use steam to reshape it. It is better to entrust this task to a professional.

Straw hats (Panama, raffia, etc.):

  • Avoid wearing straw hats in the rain, as it can soften the fibers and permanently deform the hat.
  • During the months when you don’t wear a straw hat, consider occasionally moistening the fibers by leaving the hat in the bathroom during a shower, for example.
  • To retain moisture, store your straw hat in a plastic bag when not in use.
  • By following these tips, you can extend the lifespan of your hats and keep them in good condition for the upcoming seasons.

Coup de Chapeau Shop in Lausanne, Geneva and Bern.

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